I will close my thread because my doubt should be discussed in a WiiRemoteJ.jar forum.
I would divide the Wiiremote hardware between genuine and non-genuine. There is some clones (non-genuine) which are easy to identify through a stamp, layout or the missing Nintendo(TM) logo. But I could find several non-genuine Wiiremote with an identical external appearance, although they exchange data in a different way when compared to genuine ones.
According to WiiRemoteJ JavaDoc we should get in
Class WRIREvent
getX() Returns the X coordinate of the light dot from 0 to 1 (percent).
getY() Returns the Y coordinate of the light dot from 0 to 1 (percent).
When debugging .getIRLights()[i].getX() and .getIRLights()[i].getY()
with one IR source moving from the bottom to the top and from the left to the right
(X) 0.772238514173998 (always)
(Y) 1.001303780964798 (always)
(X) 0.75~0.99 0.75~0.99 0.75~0.99 0.75~0.99
(Y) 1.00~1.33 1.00~1.33 1.00~1.33
–––—Y–––— Y–––- Y–––– Y
X–-0,8279–-0,8435–-0,8592–-0,8748 X–-0,7653–-0,7810–-0,7966–-0,8123
i=4 null
Applying the following operation when IR light i=2 (int) ((evt.getIRLights()[i].getX() - 0.75) / 0,0153958944)) Results:
9 10 11 12 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4
There is one kind of Wiiremote with IR coordinate divided into 12 (3*4) fields. In each field X changes between 0.75~0.99 an Y between 1.00~1.33. Using getIRLights()[i].getX() with i=2 and operations determines the field . It is necessary to combine light i=1 and i=2 to obtain the real position of the source.
It seems I got the hard way to experiment the brave new world with an interactive white-board
Best Regards,