I am making a multitouch interface with max msp jitter, an internal ir refraction screen, and a wii mote to track ir touches on the screen.
I get ir coordinate data into max using osc and OSCulator, for the time being.
I need to perform a calibration, much like J. Lee’s whiteboard does. BUT I’m not sure how the calibration works. I have looked at the source code, and I’m having trouble understanding the math. (i’m not a programmer, just a max doodler). Can any one explain in more detail than what is provided in the source?
I understand I need to deform an input matrix to an output matrix. In max there are objects to deform one matrix into another : jit.repos, jit.mxform2d. I can’t figure out how to use these to imitate what the whiteboard calibration stage is doing.
Any help would be greatly appreciated?
Alternatively, if someone knows how to modify the whiteboard code so that it sends the XY data for each of the four points to max, that would also do the trick. You could use OSC protocol, which is what I am currently using (see OSCulator). That way I could use the whiteboard’s calibration tool, and just receive precalibrated xy values in max.
THANKS! Great work! ke10