I am a french teatcher, and i implemented a wiimote whiteboard installation in my classroom, which works well with smoothboard. But i would like to try wiimote whiteboard java as well. I installed java on my eeepc 1001 PX with windows 7 starter edition, and when i launch the file “Lancement WWBat.bat” with the command “java -jar “C:\Program Files\WiimoteWhiteboard\wiimotewhiteboard.jar”, the software Whiteboard opens itself, i click on the two 1+2 buttons on my wiimote, and then i have a windows message that tells me : “Wiiremote failed to connect ! Not supported on winsock. La connexion a échoué. merci d’essayer à nouveau”. Each time i tried i have the same problem. What could i do the solve the problem? Thanks a lot to everybody. Regards