really like your application, Ive tried (sir) Johnny
s and another version gtkwhiteboard in windows, and yours has the best response by far, nice and smooth yet its doing what you ask! tricky getting the bluetooth going, as the stack that makes glovepie work for other wiimote features, your app doesn
t like, and the stack your app likes, glovepie doesnt! i
ll figure it out…. anyway
I am trying out the other apps to see the differences and the windows version gtkwhiteboard has a touchpad
feature that i think is most the most usable ive seen so far for left clicks/dragging, and I
d love it integrated into your version.
I`ll describe it as best i can:
1 short click (i.e short flash) = left click at position (good for buttons and links etc.) click and hold (sustained light) = move cursor only - same as mouse mode. short-click quickly followed by click-and-hold = left click drag (left click mode) on release it resets.
in practice this is very intuitive and would be sooo good in your version as the tracking is so much smoother! This is my feature request, I am no programmer but shouldn`t be too tricky i would hope?
the author also added options for zones and stuff to do different things but i`ve not tried those.
Would appreciate any response on this and do hope you can see it as a benefit.
I intend to use this system using clear perspex on a stand as my screen to control music apps/fx/midi in studio and live use - beats having your head buried in a laptop or mixer etc. should give a visual aspect i hope is bit different.
thanks again. do consider the request!