Hi Uwe You are awesome. I spent some quality time reading through this webpage, and I am very impressed with your work, as well as you commitment to principles. And your dedication to your users! I went down to radioshack, built an IR pen, and tried out your software, which works great. I am a tinkering! It is so fun. Thanks for bringing this joy to my living room.
I, like half of your users, am itching to find a way to give up my mouse entirely. It seems this is a Hard Problem.
A perhaps cumbersome solution (just to prove that it can be done): - One wiimote directed at the screen - A second wiimote directed at a pair of offscreen IR LEDs - A IR pen that has 3 buttons: 1 for a local IR LED, and 1 each for the 2 offscreen LEDS (connected either by wire or by some wireless method) - The whiteboard software then can obtain information for all the main type of mouse actions: MOVING, RIGHT clicking and LEFT clicking. MOVING works by moving the LED on the pen and tracking (already implemented). RIGHT and LEFT clicking is done by tracking the ON/OFF state of the two offscreen LEDS.
A lower tech version of the above: tape the 2 offscreen LEDS to the bottom of your monitor / whiteboard, below the viewing surface, use one WIIMOTE and sacrifice a little extra resolution.
There of course must be a more elegant version of this, but the sooner the better.
Thanks again Uwe Daniel