Hi there, Thanks for the Mountain Lion fix. Wiimote Whiteboard now starts normally. However, I have been trying to connect a new (genuine) Nintendo Wiimote Plus to it, and the remote never connects to the mac. I have tried several times, including after a reboot. The log shows systematically:
FINE 08:24:28 WiiRemoteJ: Found Nintendo RVL-CNT-01-TR (2C10C1BC492E) FINE 08:24:28 WiiRemoteJ: Nintendo RVL-CNT-01-TR is NOT a known device.
The remote was NOT paired using MacOS Bluetooth utility. I eventually tried to pair it directly with the MacOS Bluetooth utility, and the remote was recognised by MacOS. I then removed the device from MacOS. After that, same log error as above about the Wiimote not being an unknown device…
My Wiimote batteries are charged (4 LEDs), I am using Mountain Lion 10.8.2, with the latest Java update by Apple (updated a few days back).
Any idea of what could go wrong? Advice would be much appreciated!