Multi-screen support: It’s possible and I was already considering this when I added the screen selection. I’m still thinking about the right way to do it though. It will be included in a future release with high probability.
Multi-touch support: Not planned since the software is all about controlling the mouse cursor of the operating system (which doesn’t support multiple mice). They only thing I could do is to output the available position data of all 4 IR dots in a format that a multi-touch capable program understands.
Trackpad-like mouse control: This could be done but may I ask why you want to do this? Doing right-clicks won’t work either.
Two-LED support: Doesn’t work that well (Descalzo already pointed out one reason). The Wiimote frequently sees two IR dots in my setup here at home. One from the IR LED and one from its reflection on the screen (when I hold the IR pen at some distance).
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